Wednesday, May 17, 2006

OSN - Oliver's Sports Network

I'm not going to make fun of Ultimate. Seriously, I won't make fun of it. I mean, really, it was a brilliant idea to combine football with a frisbee. Pardon me, it's not a frisbee, it's a "disc". What better way to enjoy a sunny day at the park than to throw your disc around with your friends? The guy (or girl - no discrimination here) that invented this game was a genius. Then, to make it sound like one of those "extreme" sports, he (or she) named the game "Ultimate". There's, like, teams and leagues and tournaments and stuff for this game. I'm not making fun of the game. In fact, I'm the last person who should be making fun of any kind of physical activity. I mean cuz I've gained a lot of weight and I'm really out of shape. Maybe playing a little Ultimate would be good for me. Help me shed a few pounds. Get me out in the sun for a bit of a tan. Help me make new friends and... okay I can't do it any more. Ultimate is so lame.

"Combining the non-stop movement and athletic endurance of soccer with the aerial passing skills of football, a game of Ultimate is played by two seven-player squads with a high-tech plastic disc on a field similar to football."

"high-tech plastic disc"?? Its a fucking frisbee!! Frisbees are not high-tech. They've been around for decades!

1 comment:

R said...

It reminds me of that Tim Robbins movie, the Hudsucker Proxy where a mailroom guy invents the Hoola Hoop and subsequently the frisbee and save the company:

Norville clears his throat.

Well, sir. I've got something for
you from the mailroom, but first if
I could just take a minute or so
from your very busy time...

He reaches into his mailroom apron and hands a scrap of paper
across the desk to Mussburger, who stares, frozen, at
Norville, making no move to take the paper.

NORVILLE show you a, uh...

Norville, undaunted, holds up the paper since Mussburger
will not take it. Mussburger doesn't even look at it; his
eyes are locked on Norville's. Mussburger smolders.

...a little something I've been
working on for the last two or three

Mussburger's burning eyes finally shift momentarily to look
at the crudely drawn circle; he looks back incredulously at

...You know, for kids! Which is
perfect for Hudsucker -- not that I
claim to be any great genius; like
they say, inspiration is 99 percent
perspiration, and in my case I'd say
it's at least twice that, but I gotta
tell ya, Mr. Mussburger, sir, this
sweet baby --