Sunday, September 24, 2006

Coming Soon

Thanksgiving Weekend.


Turkey Sale.

Up to 70% off.

Who wants to go?

Book Review

The Sweet Hereafter by Russell Banks

It was supposed to be this really good book, but I thought it was just blah. No one gets sued. There, I just ruined the book for you.

Revisiting the Past

I posted this a couple years ago but I re-read it and thought it was pretty funny:

Shit Happens

Kevin + Bobby = 4 useless careers.

There was a time when I refused to post pictures here. Why? Because my blog isn't about showing you the picture album of my life, its about me saying whatever the hell I feel like saying. Originally, I didn't even plan on putting a comment section so if someone didn't like what I was saying there would be no way for them to leave me a "i-don't-agree-with-you" message for me. Why did I eventually put pictures and comments in? A) just to see if I could, B) to see who would actually leave comments, and C) vanity. I just wanted to get some feedback from my loyal readers. To everyone that has been reading this since the beginning, I'm glad you stuck around and didn't abandon me like Whitney did to Bobby. Then again, I wasn't getting you to do coke and making you bail me out of jail. Also, I wasn't cheating on you either. Thanks for being so loyal. Now, all we have to do is get that other copycat-career-killing-husband to leave his wife. Then Britney will be back on top.


Favourite Curses:
  1. Mothafucka!
  2. Sonuvabitch!
Favourite Taunts:
  1. Sucka!!
  2. Ya like that? Huh? Ya like it?

The Bacon Number

The Bacon Number is the degree of separation any person will have with Kevin Bacon.

eg, Billy Dee Williams was in Giant Steps (1992) with Don McKellar
Don McKellar was in Where the Truth Lies (2005) with Kevin Bacon

Check out The Oracle of Bacon for any actor you want to try this on.

Top Five

Top Five Favourite Coffee Shops:

  1. Tim Horton's
  2. Starbucks
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...
Ya, I pretty much only like these two. Where I work, I have neither nearby. Waa.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Who Said That? Level 4

This is a tough one:

"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing."

Happy Birthdays

This past week was Dinah and Gillian's birthdays. Last weekend we went out and celebrated their birthdays with this other dude, but I don't really know him. I met him for a second but I don't really remember him. Anyway, happy birthday to them. I know the picture has Vanessa in it too, and I know it wasn't her birthday, but I didn't want to post a picture of a dude I don't know so I put this one up instead.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Who Said That? Level 3

This one is a little harder. No hints either.

"Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder."

I miss...

I've been in my job for two and a half years and I'm starting to miss something from my old job at the hospital. Is it the patient care aspect of my profession? Is the the feeling of satisfaction from helping those in need? Or is it the feeling of self-worth from knowing it is a noble career, long entrenched in the history of western civilization? I think I'd have to say none of the above. What I really miss is my five days off between sets. I used to work 12hr shifts, 2 days, 2 nights and then 5 days off. Sure my days off changed every week but it was still predictable and it was so much easier to get things done on a Tuesday afternoon than it is to do it on a Saturday afternoon.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Small World

Last week we went Saigon. You know, that karaoke place on Broadway. Anyway, we met up with a bunch of Celia's friends and since they go to Saigon all the time they were buddy-buddy with the owner. They introduced me and we all had a good time. Later that night, the owner comes by and asks me my last name and who my parents are. Hm, weird but okay. I tell him and he says, "don't you remember me? I'm your uncle." Oh man, this guy is my mom's cousin (mind you, not super close or anything. I've only met him once before). So now everyone is joking around about how my tito is keeping his eye on me and how he should now let everyone drink for free because we're all family. Anyway, we closed the place and didn't get home till almost 4am. Fun times.

Monday, September 4, 2006


Say this in a thick australian accent: "Take a look at this. This is the most dangerous [insert name of animal here] on the planet. No one, and I mean no one should get this close to it. I'm just going to try and pick it up."

Remember Steve Irwin "Crocodile Hunter"? He would play with poisonous snakes, pick up deadly scorpions, wrestle 12 ft crocodiles, and chase down hyenas without getting so much as a scratch. He was invincible. Then one day he decides to go swimming with some stingray. Although stingray have a barb at the end of their tail that can be quite painful if you're jabbed, fatalities are very rare. This barb, however, jabbed Steve Irwin "Crocodile Hunter" in the chest, puncturing his heart and ultimately killing him at the young age of 44.

Let us all mourn the loss of the bravest man I've ever seen on TV.