Monday, May 28, 2007

You Can't Handle the Truth Part 5

I seriously have no idea what I'm doing most of the time. I mean at home, at work, during leisure time, etc. I really think I'm pretty clueless but good at faking it.


I dream that one day, I will once again be able to get a full night's sleep.

Monday, May 21, 2007

My Old Friend, Sleep

So the twins have been home for almost 2 weeks now. I get a lot of people asking, "so how is it?" and "are you sleeping much?" It's been totally fine and I get more than enough sleep. I don't know why people complain so much. Seriously, things are going great. I'm kidding about the sleep thing though. I haven't slept more than 2 hours in a row since they came home. They're so cute thought that I don't mind. I'm sure in a couple of months I'll be dying for a full night's sleep.

Last week I finally bought a stroller. We originally wanted a stroller that was lightweight, folded compactly, had seats that reclined to flat, and could take car seats. As extras, I wanted something with big wheels and something that just looked cool. We found 2 but one was $1100 and the other was $850. Screw that. I ended up forgetting about my extras and the car seat option and bought the 2007 McLaren Twin Techno. Lightweight, folds compactly, rated for newborns, and side-by-side seating. We can't put car seats into it, but whatever. So far, it kicks ass.

Don't Doubt Yourself

Ah, the old multiple-choice-test dilemma. You've already answered a question but as you're going over it you think that maybe you were wrong. Do you change your answer or do you go with your original thought? I always change my answer. Why would it stand out if I didn't think it was wrong? I have to admit, this has burned me once or twice in the past but I still say go with what you think is right. A few months ago, Celia's computer started acting up. I had a feeling it was the power supply but then I thought, no, it must be something else. The problems kind of went away for a while but a couple weeks ago it really crapped out and wouldn't start. We were just about to cannibalize it and use the parts in my computer but I tried one more thing. Again. I swapped out the power supply with mine and everything seemed to work just fine. Damn, I shouldn't have doubted my original thought. See? Burned again.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Wonderful World Wide Web

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Long Road Home

The twins passed the car seat test and yesterday we took them home, exactly 2 months after they were born.  It was quite emotional when we found out they were finally being discharged and when we actually walked out of the NICU I was so happy I couldn't even talk.  It took us 15 minutes just to say goodbye to all the nurses that looked after our babies. As we packed up all their stuff in the drawers, it felt they were moving out. 
When we arrived at home and carried the car seats up the stairs, my first thought was, "this is gonna be a pain in the ass, going up and down these stairs with seats in hand.".
Anyway, they're home now and after 20 hours, everything is still okay. I haven't dropped them, stepped on them, bumped them, rolled over them, or burned them.  I think it'll be pretty tough but we'll be okay. Thank you to everyone for all you're support over the past two months, I'll be calling you soon to help babysit. :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Looking Back

I was talking to a friend of mine and she was asking how often I go back and look at old pictures that I have on my hard drive.  Because they easily available, I look at them all the time.  Okay, not every day or anything but often enough.  Yesterday I went through all the pictures I took of my twins from March 9 to today.  I can't believe how far they have come.  The day they were born they couldn't even breathe on their own.  They weren't strong enough to turn their own head and they couldn't maintain their own body temperature.  Last night as I held Lucas I thought back to when Celia and I got a call in the middle of the night telling us that they had to intubate him because he had an infection and they needed to help him breathe so that he could fight off the infection.  I held Amelia and remembered the day they took her to the children's hospital in the city because they thought she needed a major surgery.  And I thought back to when Celia phoned me at home to tell me she was going to surgery within 4 hours so the babies could be born.  When I imagined how I would have my first children I never thought they would be a high-risk pregnancy born at 29 weeks by emergency c-section, intubated twice (each), and in the NICU for 2 months at 3 different hospitals.  I look back at it all and wonder how the hell I didn't have a mental collapse during this time. 

I have a feeling they'll be home this week.  Maybe that's when I'll have a mental collapse.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

My First Time

If the title of this got your attention for the wrong reason, you should seriously get a life. I'm a father now so what you're thinking is just juvenile. My first time was a long time ago and that's all I'm going to say. I've already said too much. Anyway, what I was going to say was that Lucas spit up on me for the first time. I mean, he's spit up before, it just hasn't been on me. One time Amelia spit up and because she was lying down directly behind Lucas, it hit the back of his head. Gross dude, your sister just hurled on your head.

Wait For It...

Only a few more days. Part of the criteria for sending the twins home was that they continue to gain weight while feeding strictly by bottle or breast for a 48 hour period. The both have their NG tubes out and they are both taking all their feeds by bottle or breast. And, for the both of them, it has now been over 48 hours. Amelia's weight gain yesterday wasn't great but she's eating a lot. Being the weekend, not much happens at the hospital (except in emerg where all the crazies go), so we're just waiting for Monday for when the doc can come in and discharge my babies. The worst part is that I have to work Mon-Wed and then on the weekend. After that, I have a couple weeks off so I'll be home changing diapers, feeding babies, and having the time of my life. Secretly, I'm hoping they get discharged Wednesday. Oh crap, I guess it's not a secret anymore.