Sunday, October 21, 2007


I mentioned this before, but me and my family are celebrities. People watch us as we walk by and as I pass I can hear them talking about the twins and how lucky we are and all that jazz. At first it was kinda cool being the superstar in the mall, then it was a little annoying because people stopped us all the time, and now its just a super pain in the ass. I was walking with my stroller and there was this lady that was smiling at me and the babies and looked at me like she wanted to talk to me and ask questions about the baby. I just gave her a polite smile, turned my eyes forward, and kept on walking. I do this a lot now. I don't bother to speak to my fans because it's very tiring. Maybe I'm not appreciating the people that got me here, but sometimes I just need time for myself. I can totally understand what the Olsen twins are going through.

World Wide Twins

We got the kids their passports the other day. Finally. Well, we sent in the applications anyway. We mailed it in during the summer but it was returned because the pictures weren't good enough. This time, we made sure the pics were okay and we waited in line for 2 hours with the babies to get the applications in.

I Need to Win the Lottery

The trouble with having a job is that you have to be somewhere every day for a specified amount of time. I guess its optional but after some time you won't have a job anymore and then after a little more time you won't have a home either. Then your wife leaves you because you're a bum and then The Man comes and takes away your children. If you don't believe me, check out Britney's blog. Anyway, my point is simply that I have to be out of the house every day for 8 hours. it really sucks because I come home and Celia says, "Amelia learned how to crawl today." or "Lucas can sit up by himself now." I was home all summer so I got to see them roll over for the first time and I was there for them when they had to have their immunization shots. Now I feel like I'm missing it all.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Thank God for Little Girls

Don't get me wrong, I love both my children the same. After saying that, I also have to say this: if it wasn't for Amelia, I think I would go crazy. Lucas is not the kind of baby that falls asleep on his own. It is always a struggle to get him to sleep - and then a continuing battle throughout the night. If we didn't have twins, and our only child was Lucas, I'd go nuts. I know that you're probably thinking twins is harder than having just one (and it probably is, believe me) but without Amelia to even me out, I'd go crazy. My little angel is saving my sanity.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


I guess it's not crappy that I now have a home again. For a while I didn't think I had a home because I thought my house was sold and we hadn't found a new one yet. Our buyer fell through and now we have to start over. We made an offer on a new place that we really like but now we have to wait until our house is sold. I'm kinda bummed out about the whole thing but hey, whatever. At least our realtor has been great to us. If you need one, let me know and I'll hook you up.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Who Said That? Level 7

This one is easy and hard at the same time. Remember: movie and the character/actor that said the quote.

"Do you know how I know you're gay? Because you are holding each other ever so gently."