Sunday, January 28, 2007

Good News/Bad News

Good news: my RSS feed works! I have it on good authority that I'm right about this.

Bad news: even though we have over 3 meters (that's like, 10 feet for you americans) of snow and even though I have a Monday night snowboarding pass, I can't go. We have some classes that we have to go to and they just happen to fall on Monday night. Crappity crap. Oh well.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Basic Training

People seem to think I know how to do things on a computer. I don't know why, maybe it has something to do with me working in informatics. Seriously though, I don't know shit. My blog site uses standard templates because I don't know how to use those fancy schmancy ones that some of you have. I can barely set up 2 computers to share files and I have no idea what an RSS feed is. Are these things I should know?

Monday, January 22, 2007

Better Late than Never

I'm pretty late with this, but I figure because it's still January, I'm okay. If anyone gives me grief that there's 12 items in my top ten list, I'm going to publicly humiliate you in my blog. On an ongoing basis too, not just once, but regularly. Man, you people probably all want that, huh? As my priest said, there's something missing in society if it find entertainment in the pain and suffering of other people. Well, he said something to that effect. I can guarantee he said it better, but if I had a photographic memory, I'd probably... remember things a lot better. Shut up.

Top Ten New Year's Resolutions for 2007:

  1. Watch less TV.
  2. Lose 10lbs.
  3. Read 6 books.
  4. Be a good father.
  5. Don't eat fast food or mall food as often.
  6. Quit smoking (I'm at 1 week now!).
  7. Save money for trip to Phils next year.
  8. Less slacking off at work (don't tell my boss).
  9. Go to church.
  10. Stay out of debt.
  11. Spend more time with my family.
  12. Smile more.

I Object!

Today I had to appear at the provincial courts. No, I wasn't being sued and I wasn't there for the Pickton trial (let him burn!). I was there for jury duty selection for a civil case. If you ever get called, you should go. Trial by one's peers is the cornerstone of our democratic society. I fulfilled my civil obligation and showed up. As it turns out, even if I wanted to be in the jury, I wouldn't have been allowed. I'm closely related to the defendant (not as in family relation, but professional relations) so I wasn't an appropriate juror. Whew! I was there for the morning and then back to work in the afternoon.

Morning at the courthouse: pretty fucking crazy. The Pickton trial started today so the media was all there, there were more lawyers than in the lineup to hell, and security was tighter than an airport's. It took me 15 minutes just to get into the building! Anyway, I think he's guilty. Don't ask me for evidence or any of that crap - the cops found that already. I just think he's guilty because he's a greasy, psychotic, freak. But that's just my 'professional' opinion.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Movie Review

The Family Stone with SJP, Claire Danes, Rachel McAdams, Luke Wilson, Dermot Mulroney, Diane Keaton, etc

Rachel McAdams is hot.

Movie Reviews

The Da Vinci Code with Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou

It was okay. Try the illustrated version of the book.

Prime with Uma Thurman and Meryl Streep

You kind of get the idea they get together in the end, but they don't. Ya, screw you. I just ruined the movie for you.

Doom with The Rock and Karl Urban

I liked it!

You, Me, and Dupree with Kate Hudson, Matt Dillon, and Owen Wilson

Not bad. It had some funny parts. Owen Wilson played... Owen Wilson. Kate Hudson is a hot milf.

Weather Update

It's snowing.

Life's Lubricant (get your mind out of the gutter)

I get a lot of email at work. I know I know, everyone does. Luckily, most of the email I receive is just information stuff that gets sent to me because I'm on a lot of different distribution groups because of my position (free shout-out to anyone that can tell me my title/position - and not "RN"). In other words, it's just junk mail. One of the things I get once/week is our authority's Health News flyer. At the bottom, there's always the Chaplain's Thought for the Week. Some are really cheesy and some are actually quite insightful. Anyway, this week's was "Ten Ways to be Happy"

  1. Give something away
  2. Do a kindness
  3. Give thanks always
  4. Work with vim and vigour
  5. Visit the elderly and learn from their experience
  6. Look intently into the face of a baby and marvel
  7. Laugh often - it's life's lubricant
  8. Pray to know God's way
  9. Plan as though you will live forever - you will
  10. Live as though today is your last day on earth
Well that sounds reasonable.

As Dumb as We Want

As part of my job, I have to configure our software so that the clinical staff in the hospital can easily use it. I've gone to a couple of conferences where I've learned some tips and cool tricks. One thing I heard when I was in Florida last year was "We designed the system so that even a 2-year-old could use it." Wow, that sounds great, huh? They had to take a piece of software which, by the way can be quite powerful when it is used to its full potential, and dumb it down to the level of a 2-year-old so that a nurse with a college-level education could use it on a regular basis. It makes me sad to think that nursing has fallen so far behind that the IT industry has to either sell them outdated technology or talk to them as if they were children. Someone told me that nursing was at least 15 years behind the times in technology. I guess its good for me - it makes me look and feel really smart.

Monday, January 15, 2007

"You Want to Eat?"

We were over at my brother's house last night and Ava was so cute. She was walking around the table trying to get people to give her food. That's when I found out she was signing. No, I don't mean she was signing autographs, I mean signing as in American Sign Language. She was signing that she wanted more to eat. Then she signed she was full. It was so cute.

Big White

Yesterday I got back from snowboarding at Big White. For anyone that doesn't know what that is, its a new ski/snowboard resort near Kelowna. It's also one freakin' awesome mountain. Anyway, we drove up on Thursday, ripped up the mountain on Friday and Saturday, then drove home Sunday. Good times.

Then I checked my mail.

It was about 6 or 7 pm when I read that I was supposed to appear at the courts for jury selection on January 15th at 9am. WTF? That's in the morning! Crap. So I went there today and the woman in the sheriff's office (is everyone there considered a sheriff?) told me that it was postponed and I'd have to show up next monday. Sonuva... Okay fine. I stop by work and tell my boss I have jury duty and I won't be showing up on Monday. Not that its such a big deal, I mean trial by one's peers is the cornerstone of democratic society, right? I totally stole that line from my summons papers and I didn't even put it in quotes or cite the reference. I'm such a badass. Maybe now I'll be disqualified from jury duty.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Men's Rules for Women

  1. Learn to use the toilet seat. You're a big girl, if its up, put it down. We put it up when you leave it down. You don't hear us complain.
  2. Let us be clear: subtle hints do not work. Strong hints do not work. Obvious hints do not work. You have to just say what you want.
  3. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to your yes and no questions.
  4. Don't ask us if you're fat if you're not willing to hear the truth.
  5. When you come to us with a problem we'll try to fix it. You can go to your girlfriends for sympathy.
  6. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself. This includes driving.
  7. Whenever possible, please say what you have to say during commercials.
  8. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," we will act like nothing's wrong.
  9. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.