Well it finally cooled off and I can now turn my computer on. Because our computers are in the room that gets the afternoon sun, and last week it was hotter than Britney Spears before Special K-Fed, we turned them off and didn't even go into the room except in the early morning. Well now that the temp has come down to a reasonable level I've been able to waste all kinds of time on the internet, playing games, and wasting a lot of time on my computer. Finally!
In honour of the hot weather, here's the best ice cream place in all of Canada:
If you know where it is, you're a lucky lucky person. If you've been there you're luckier than Keira Knightley's underwear drawer.
Last week I went to Buntzen Lake with some of my friends from work. The original plan was for only 5 or 6 of us to go but we decided that we'd invite everyone in the department (about 30 people). The day came and early in the morning we went to the lake and you know how many people showed up? Six. Just like the original plan. Anyway, it was a good time and a fun way to cool off during the hot hot hot weather.
We got our barbeque yesterday! It's pretty freakin nice and the best part of it is that it was free. We got it with points so we didn't pay anything. Celia called me at work yesterday and says she just got a call from the company and they just delivered the barbeque but no one was home so they left it at the front door. When I got home, I saw it and realized why they weren't afraid of anyone stealing it. This thing came in a cardboard box bigger than Kevin Federline's old house. Y'know those wooden pallets that things ship on? This barbeque came on one of those and it was sitting there blocking my whole driveway. I had to open it and take it to the back patio one piece at a time. We bought a propane tank, some meat, and tonight we're firing it up! w00t!! Everyone's welcome, bring your own beer and meat.
Canadian Idol, Hell's Kitchen, and So You Think You Can Dance? I still haven't found my favourite Canadian Idol yet, but soon... Soon. I've haven't watched Hell's Kitchen in a while and SYTYCD is taking forever. I guess I'm not as big of a fan that I thought.
Well its been a couple of days and I gotta tell you: I think soccer is kinda boring. The excitement of the crowd is more interesting than the game. I know its the most-watched sport in the world but all that running back and forth is dull. Don't be mad at me, I'm a nerd.
Y'know those yellow books about everything... for dummies? And the old Coles Notes for all the books you didn't bother to read in school? I used to think these things were great. They taught you everything you needed to know but didn't want to bother to really learn. If you didn't understand the language or terminology, these books put it into everyday english. Great, huh? Maybe its my old age, but now I'm starting to think these books do nothing but breed mediocrity. Need to learn something quick because you didn't start early enough? Have to write a paper but you don't want to read the source material? Want to learn about computers but don't understand how they work? Poetry... for dummies, The Great Gatsby... for dummies, Computers... for dummies. I'm not really good when it comes to literature, or math, or sports but I do know my own profession and career. Would you want a nurse that got through school with a 100-page booklet called Nursing... for dummies? How would you feel if you saw your pharmacist reading Pharmacology... for dummies? Now you're thinking, "That's different. I wouldn't use those books for that. Just the simple things like how to edit a photo on my computer." I totally agree with you, but that's what the nurse or pharmacist said until they started running out of time to do homework.
What's my point? Study! Learn! Don't be a dumbass!
If you haven't heard of it yet, check out Wikipedia for "research". Why do I put quotes around research? Well Wikipidia is a free, online encyclopedia that is created by user input. So I wouldn't recommend writing your master's thesis based on Wikipedia info, but if you're just looking for a little more info on Mt. Pinatubo or who Deep Throat is for interest's sake, check it out. It's hipper than the Peach Pit After Dark.
I turned the bed the other night. I mean I physically turned it 90 degrees counter clockwise. Now the head of the bed is under the window and the room feels like it has more space. If you have any feng shui comments, keep that shit to yourself - I don't want to hear it. There's nothing wrong with having the bed under the window. Its actually quite refreshing at night and when you wake up you feel like you're on vacation because the room looks different like you're in a hotel.
No, I'm not referring some abstract idea of something new in life and how you can always tell its new. Also, I'm not referring to how smell helps you remember things better than any other sense. I'm just talking about that New Car smell. It especially smells good when it's an Acura CSX with the leather seats. Ya, that smells way better than my car...