Sunday, November 5, 2006

What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

I'm not perfect. Actually, I'm far from it. I'm kinda lazy, not really very smart, a little irresponsible, I don't make a lot of money, and I'm not famous, and I don't see myself suddenly becoming famous in the future. I live a pretty average life. This has been me for the past 32 years. Why do people expect anything different? Why is it okay for some people to do things differently and make their own decisions in life but not okay for me? When will I be allowed to do what I want? Everyone else seems to be allowed to bitch and scream about this, but when I do it, I'm being immature. And why do I still let people make me feel like I'm 17 years old again?


Anonymous said...

Honey, it ain't easy being green....

head dump said...

are you whining? That sounded like a boy whining.