Wednesday, June 20, 2007

No Other Way

You know when you watch TV and movies and when one of the characters has a baby and the dad says "all my priorities changed as soon as I found out we were pregnant.". It was a little different for me.  At first, I couldn't help but worry about all the work I had to do around the time the babies were to be born.  Then, starting  after they were born, I started to worry more and more about missing time with my kids.  It's taken a while for me, but I think its starting to finally sink in - and I mean REALLY sink in - that I'm a father.  Not just a father, but instantly a father of 2 children.  The other day I was watching them sleep and thought "holy crap, I have 2 kids".  My brother and his wife have one (I'm hoping they have at least one more) and when they come over I always think "where's the other one?". I can't even imagine having only one baby now.  And I can't wait to start my parental leave, I feel like I'm not helping raise my children. 

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