Sunday, October 21, 2007

I Need to Win the Lottery

The trouble with having a job is that you have to be somewhere every day for a specified amount of time. I guess its optional but after some time you won't have a job anymore and then after a little more time you won't have a home either. Then your wife leaves you because you're a bum and then The Man comes and takes away your children. If you don't believe me, check out Britney's blog. Anyway, my point is simply that I have to be out of the house every day for 8 hours. it really sucks because I come home and Celia says, "Amelia learned how to crawl today." or "Lucas can sit up by himself now." I was home all summer so I got to see them roll over for the first time and I was there for them when they had to have their immunization shots. Now I feel like I'm missing it all.

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