Monday, November 10, 2008


I recently came home with Gears of War 2.  If you don't know what that is, it's like crack except it's a video game on the XBox360.  You can't get enough of it, you can't stop playing it, and nothing else seems to matter while you're playing it.  It's a good thing the kids haven't been injured while we neglect them to play this game.  Social services frowns on that, I hear.  Just kidding.  About the neglect, not the frowning.  They really do frown on that.  Anyway, Celia and I have been playing this whenever the kids are asleep regardless of the number of dishes piling up in the sink.  Seriously, this game is great.  Not for children though as it is very violent with coarse language.  I'm waiting for nudity, but I have a feeling it just won't happen in this game.

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