Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

Y'know, I don't really look forward to my birthday like I used to.  I never make plans, I don't think about doing anything special for the day, and I don't expect other people to make a big deal out of it either.  Don't get me wrong, I love it when people wish me Happy Birthday - it makes me feel loved.  Despite not really caring much for my birthday anymore, I think I would have to be completely honest and say I would prefer not to spend it in the hospital.  As a patient it would really suck, but this year I had to take Celia to the hospital first thing in the morning on Wednesday.  She had a bunch of tests done and once they figured out what it was (you'll have to ask her yourself, I can't give that away), decided that she needed surgery.  She waited around for hours and finally went to the OR at 1 in the morning.  When I got there the next day, I didn't even know she had her surgery so the whole morning I was all annoyed that she was still waiting for it.  Anyway, everything is okay, she's doing really well, and the kids understand they can't climb all over her for a while.  There's some follow-up but that's just standard.  I guess my birthday was exciting in it's own way.

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