Saturday, January 21, 2006

All Self-Centered Dorks Raise Your Hand

Okay, I'm a nosy geek. I added a sitemeter at the bottom of my blog to see how many hits I get. Right now I'm at about 3500 since the end of June. Sure, it helps my ego and all, but it also lets me see who is reading my blog at any given time. I don't mean that I know who exactly is reading it (ie, your name and address - but I do know that about some people). I mean I can see that someone from Konglungen, Akershus, Norway was reading my blog on January 14th at 6:14pm, using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP at a resolution of 1024x768 and their ISP was NextGenTel AS. I can tell they were reading and didn't just accidentally click on it and then leave because they spent 8 minutes on my blogpage. Creepy, huh? I'm just the kind of freak that would look at this information too.

I'm always amazed when I find out someone reads my blog. My friend at work (hi Rene and no, I don't care about your anonymity) mentioned something to me about something I had written in my blog recently. I knew she read it, but I had forgotten so when she said it I was thinking, "How the hell did you know that?" Then my ego kinda got all inflated and shit cuz I then I thought I was the most interesting guy in the world. God, I'm a dork.

1 comment:

jcandkim said...

HOLY CRAP OLIVER!!!I just clicked on the link and saw the info on me ... that's super freaky! It tells you EVERYTHING!! I'm surprised it doesn't have a picture of the person viewing your blog too.

Okay, as freaky as it is, it's interesting too ... but still freaky!!