Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I Can't Wait Till Sept 2

So on Sunday we decided to stop by Sleep Country to see what they had in the way of mattresses. Apparently, that's what they sell. My brother and his wife recommended we go there and I didn't know of any other place to go anyway. If you make one comment about Costco, I'm coming over to kick your ass. Anyway, we get there and the first thing we do is lay down on the most expensive mattress in the store. for a queen size set it was something like $4000. Yeah, screw that. We tried out the tempurpedic thing which I actually liked more than I thought I would, but it was $3000 or something like that. Yeah, screw that too. Then we asked the guy about the Sleep number beds. You know, the ones where you can adjust the softness/firmess on either side of the mattress. I was thoroughly unimpressed by this bed and, as it turns out, Celia and I had the same number anyway. We decided on a regular old mattress, no bells or whistles.

Option 1:
Some queensize bed with a great price. Very comfortable.

Option 2:
Another queensize bed with a slightly higher price. Even more comfortable.

So with these two options what do we do? We go with option 2 but in a king size. With 2 tempurpedic contoured pillows. This bed is going to fill the whole bedroom but I don't care. Its getting delivered on Saturday and I can't wait!

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