Monday, September 4, 2006


Say this in a thick australian accent: "Take a look at this. This is the most dangerous [insert name of animal here] on the planet. No one, and I mean no one should get this close to it. I'm just going to try and pick it up."

Remember Steve Irwin "Crocodile Hunter"? He would play with poisonous snakes, pick up deadly scorpions, wrestle 12 ft crocodiles, and chase down hyenas without getting so much as a scratch. He was invincible. Then one day he decides to go swimming with some stingray. Although stingray have a barb at the end of their tail that can be quite painful if you're jabbed, fatalities are very rare. This barb, however, jabbed Steve Irwin "Crocodile Hunter" in the chest, puncturing his heart and ultimately killing him at the young age of 44.

Let us all mourn the loss of the bravest man I've ever seen on TV.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Hear hear. That guy was crazy for doing some of the stuff he pulled, but in the end, he who lives by the sword ...

At least he died doing the kind of thing he lived for. Much better than say, keeling over from a terrible bout of food poisoning.