Friday, July 27, 2007

We're Celebrities

When you're in the mall with your kids, how often do you get stopped by a complete stranger to ask you about your children? Once? Twice? We get stopped at least 4 times per hour that we're in a public place. "Are they twins?" "You're so lucky!" "That's so cute." "Are they identical?" and so on... I imagine that Steve and Lisa are the only ones (that I can think of) that would truly understand what I'm talking about. It's kind of flattering, but when we're in a hurry I just want to say "yes they're twins, no not identical, it's one boy and one girl. bye." and keep on walking. Everything takes longer now - walking through the mall, going through a grocery store checkout, ordering at restaurants - because we have to acknowledge our newfound celebrity status as parents of twins.

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