Friday, July 13, 2007


I'm really quite angry with myself for not keeping my blog more current. However, because I have twins at home, I'm a little busy so quit your complaining and be glad that I haven't completely abandoned my blog all together (like some...). Anyway, here's a quick update:

Mother-in-law left last week so we've been alone with the babies. Tiring, but rewarding in it's own way.

I'm on parental leave now. I don't have to go back to work until after Labour Day. That's Labor Day to you americans. Anyway, I get to spend the entire summer with my family. Take that, sucker!

Celia's Acura has gone the way of the Pinto. It's been replaced with a minivan. The other day we got a 2007 Honda Odyssey EX-L. As far as minivans go, it's pretty freakin sweet. It's so much more convenient and we have way more space now for all the junk we have to carry.

We've decided that we will be going to the Philippines this winter. We'll make a stop in Taiwan so all of her relatives can meet the twins and then spend the rest of our holidays in the Phils. Her sister's wedding will also be in the Philippines so it should be a pretty fun trip. Hopefully the twins will be up for it.

I don't have a blackberry all summer so if you only have that phone number, you'll have to hunt down my personal number. Or just email me at home. Actually, facebook works too.

If you live somewhere where you're not allowed to intall an airconditioner or you want to be able to cool just one room at a time, get yourself a good portable air conditioner. We got one. It fucking rocks.

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