Friday, August 10, 2007


Yesterday the twins turned 5 months old. "5 months? They're so small!" Yeah, stfu. When people ask me how old they are, I usually tell them they're about 3 months (their corrected age). It just stops all the questions and comments about their size so I can get on with my day. I can't believe it's already been 5 months. I was watching a video of Amelia when she was still in the hospital. She was crying and it was a tiny little cry, barely audible over all the beeps and bongs and bells in the NICU. It was definitely Amelia's cry though. Nowadays, I kinda wish her cry was that quiet again! I tell ya, when she doesn't get her milk fast enough she lets you know she's not happy. She also lets the neighbours know. I swear the neighbours must think we're abusing them because they cry so loud (we're not, btw).

What have we been up to? We spend a lot of time finding places to go and things to do during the day. We like to take the kids out to see the world. The world as in the different malls around the lower mainland. We're considering moving into a bigger townhouse. Why not a house? Neither of us want to mow the lawn or worry about exterior maintenance. We have a hard enough time with the interior. Maybe when the kids are bigger we'll move into a house.

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