Saturday, July 4, 2009


We've had a few hot days this year. Not, like, super hot or anything, but mid to high 20's (celsius for you americans). What that translates to in my bedroom is roughly 42 celius. Our bedroom gets super warm because we get afternoon sun and we have a lot of windows. Makes the room look good but hot as hell. Anyway, when the twins were born we bought a portable A/C unit and this thing is gold. I just close the door, turn on the A/C and 20 minutes later the room is nice and cool. Last night it was on and it got cold. Like, cover-yourself-with-a-blanket cold. That was the sign to turn it off. If you don't want to spend the gajillion dollars on a portable A/C, buy one of those window fans. Those things are awesome too.

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