Sunday, October 25, 2009


I often wonder what kind of advice I will give my children as they grow up. Will I be a wise father with a lot of insight or will I be the clueless dad with the stupid jokes? At the moment, I can only think of a few things to pass onto my children. You decide what kind of parent I am.

To Lucas:
Learn to dance, chicks will really dig that.
Be polite, no one likes a prick.
All your girlfriends must be approved by your sister. No hos and no biatches.
Have confidence in yourself and others will have confidence in you (just don't be a conceited a-hole).

To Amelia:
You're not going out in that skimpy dress.
All your boyfriends must be cleared by your brother.
Whatever you do in life, be honest with others and to yourself.
Do not throw caution to the wind. I realize it sounds romantic but it only works out in movies.

I have to admit, a few of these I've learned the hard way (not the skimpy dress one though). All of them, however, will help you have peace in your life.

1 comment:

jozen said...

i think that you are an EXTREMELY wise father.

keep up the good job!!