Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Over the weekend I was sick again. At least this time I could eat drink normally without worrying about it being violently expelled from my body. Too much information? Tough. Anyway, on Saturday I had a bit of a cough. I went out to the pub that night anyway because, well, I needed to get out of the house. I think the people I went with are all going to get sick but then again, what do you expect when you go drinking with a guy that's coughing all over the place? Anyway, I went home feeling totally sober (seriously, I was) but when I woke up in the morning I felt like I was hungover like a David Hasselhoff at church. It couldn't have been the drinks, could it? Then I put my hand on my forehead and realized why I was sweating like crazy through the night: I had a fever. I guess that would also explain why I felt so crappy. Anyway, it kinda got worse throughout the day. I didn't go to work yesterday, I didn't go to work today and I kinda don't expect to go to work tomorrow. I still have my cough and I'm all congested. I don't think spreading this around the office would be appreciated. Oh, and yesterday the daycare called and asked me to pick up Lucas because he was running a fever too. This morning he was sweating so much his pillow was soaked. I took him to the doctor but of course by the time we got in to see her, he was feeling and looking much better. Right now he's playing with his brand new Hot Wheels car and he doesn't even look sick. I think he's going to daycare tomorrow if he keeps this up.

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