Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Door is Closed

When I bought my first iPod, I was a little unsure of how often I would actually want to put headphones on and drown out the world with my music. At first, I would hook it up to some portable speakers so I could still hear stuff going on around me. I'd probably still do that except now I wear my headphones at work so I can ignore people that try to talk to me. It's not that I don't want to talk to them, I just don't want to talk to them. I can still kinda hear them cuz I don't turn it up all the way, but now I have an excuse for why I completely ignored them. It's great.


Anonymous said...

Wearing headphones with the music off is even better, you can eavesdrop and everyone will think you are listening to your music. This can be very handy at times.

She who must not be named said...

haha yes!! I do that all the time!