Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Its strange that I should think about this so much...

As I approach my 30th birthday, I'm becoming more and more apprehensive about having to change the first number of my age. I don't look 30, I don't feel 30, I don't act 30. I'm only turning 30 because I have to. I read something once that said, "If you didn't know how old you were, how old would you feel?" I'd have to say somewhere around 24. Unless I had to exercise or something - then I'd feel a little older...

When you turn 20 its cool because then you think you're an adult. But now I'm turning 30 and I'm still not an adult. Is there something that's supposed to happen that makes me a grown-up? I used to think when you hit a certain age, you were an adult. Then after most of my 20's I realized "that's not it." Then I thought maybe its when you start your career. Nope. Maybe when you buy a car or a home? Definitely not. Ever since I moved, I feel more childish than ever. Do I have to get married or have children or something? If that's the case, I won't be an adult for a while yet. Oh well, who wants to grow up anyway?

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