Thursday, January 20, 2005

Decisions Decisions

Well, it looks like my job will be going permanent after all. Originally it was only supposed to be a one-year contract and then I'd go back to my old job in the hospital. Now (as expected by my current boss), it seems the position needs to have someone in it all the time. This may sound like great news but it now forces me to make a decision. Do I stay or do I go? There's hundreds of reasons to either job, but choosing which reasons I like better is a problem. Like this one: in my old job, I really feel like I'm making a difference with my patients. In my current job, I feel like I'm making a difference as well, but on a larger scale and I don't directly affect patients. Here's some more:

Pros for staying in my current job:
1. less tiring physically
2. more money/hr
3. Monday to Friday, 8-4
4. more interesting work for me

Pros for going back to my old job:
1. less tiring mentally
2. easily pick up overtime thus potentially more money/paycheck
3. 4on 5off schedule
4. greater personal satisfaction (its a more "noble" position)

Cons for staying in my current job:
1. Monday to Friday, 8-4
2. smaller staff, less variety in who I work with
3. more politics to deal with
4. lacks patient contact

Cons for going back to my old job:
1. dealing with body fluids that aren't mine
2. dead people
3. working weekends and nights again
4. patient contact
5. 12hr shifts

I could think of a lot more things that I like/don't like in my current job and my old job, but that would be a lot of writing. I guess I have something to think about now. I still have a lot of time to decide. I'll have to make my decision before the end of March.

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