Thursday, July 28, 2005

Environmental Update

My house is fucking hot.

Monday, July 25, 2005

New or Old?

My dad has a few different medical problems. He takes a few pills to manage most of them but for his arthritis, nothing seems to work well for him. Back in the late-nineties he started taking some herbal stuff that our relatives in the Philippines sent him. They get it from Chinatown in Manila. This stuff worked better than any of the regular drugs that have been prescribed to him over the years. The only problem I have with this is that none of us know what the stuff is or what it's supposed to be used for or even its real name. The box it comes in is all written in chinese (I guess I could get it translated - I know enough chinese people) without a word of english. The only reason I don't question it more is because I've seen the incredible difference it made with my dad's arthritis. However, the past couple days I've had to look at it a little more objectively. This "stuff" that he gets imported is made without any type of regulatory groups, it has no evidence-based research to quantify its effectiveness, there are no documented adverse effects, and no mention of drug interactions. But, I guess if it works... :

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Wanted: Vacation

I don't know what it is. Lately I haven't been able to sleep, I haven't had much of an appetite, and I can't concentrate on anything. I need a vacation from everything.

Monday, July 18, 2005

You Know You're a Star Wars Geek When...

  • You wave your hand purposefully and 'use the force' to open and close automatic doors or elevator doors.
  • You've 'wielded' a flashlight and made humming sounds.
  • You are POSITIVE you are force-sensitive and only lack the proper training.
  • Your house robe is brown and extra large.
  • You have a bad feeling about everything.
  • Whenever you went anywhere outside with your friends, you always walked single file, to hide your numbers.
  • You've been pulled over by a policeman, and when asked to see your driver's license you replied, "You don't need to see my identification."
  • And when he asks about your two friends in the back "They're for sale, if you want them."
  • You have held up an onion ring and said, "Look sir...droids!"

What Kind of Kisser Are You?

This is what I got:

Part Passionate/Part Expert Kisser

"For you, kissing is about all about following your urges

If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble
You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable"

What a load of crap.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Its Been a While

Last night was Dennis and Olivia's wedding shower. They had a few (approx. 23,000) people over at their new home. Tonnes of food, lot's of friends, and alcohol pouring down like a waterfall. There were a handful of us that lasted until the end, about 1:30 or 2am. When I got home I downed a very large glass of water and passed out. This morning, I woke up to my blackberry beeping in the next room (I have the alarm set on it for 7:30am. I always forget to turn it off on weekends). I get up to turn it off, and *BAM!* I had to sit down again holding my head. I haven't had a hangover in a long time. I stumbled to the other room to turn off that damn blackberry and then stumble back to bed. I didn't take any Advil until 10-ish when I finally woke up again and had the courage to take the stairs down to the kitchen.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

How Fun

These are the coolest invitations I've ever seen.


My Top Ten Worst Qualities (from my point of view):

  1. I'm selfish.
  2. I'm lazy.
  3. I'm a snob.
  4. I'm conceited.
  5. I have a short attention span.
  6. Nothing is good enough for me (but... see #2)
  7. My effort is always good enough (but... see #2 and #4)
  8. I'm irresponsible.
  9. I'm not motivated.
  10. I can be quite inconsiderate.
My Top Ten Best Qualities (from my point of view):

  1. I'm the most humble person you'll ever meet. Oh crap, guess not.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Long Weekend

You're probably thinking, "It wasn't a long weekend." Well it was for me. When I changed jobs all my vacation time was paid out. That means any time I take off from work from now to new year's will be unpaid. Bummer. I was supposed to have 2 weeks off but I cut it down to just 3 days. So I've been off work for 5 days now (including the weekend). At my old job I'd have 5 days off between sets and in that time I'd usually have 2 or 3 days of doing nothing. I mean nothing. Sit in front of the tv all day, play video games, and not talk to anyone. It was great. I miss it now but this past weekend I had a couple of days of nothing. I know what you're thinking: "You're such a lazy slob. That's how you got fat." Well screw off. That's not how I got fat. Anyway, it usually helps me appreciate my job a little bit and when I go back to work, I'm usually more excited about it than if the weekend was full.

Nothing day.

helped Jeff move some stuff to his new place.

Fantastic Four and a little shopping.

helped Jeff move a little more stuff to his new place.

Nothing day.

Oh, did I tell you? Jeff got a new place down the street from me. Its really nice. Steve and I bug him about never actually moving in. I kinda like helping him move little by little. We usually move a few things and then sit around talking shit about everything and everyone. Don't worry though, we're not talking about you. ;)

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Movie Review

Fantastic Four with Jessica Alba, Ioan Grufford, Michael Chiklis, & Chris Evans

All the movie reviews said it wasn't that good. I liked it. C'mon its based on a comic book! Don't expect Shakespeare or anything.

Saturday, July 9, 2005

Big Brother

No, I don't mean the reality show on TV. I mean the Man. I'm talking about "them". I'm talking 1984. Just in case you haven't noticed, I've added a hit counter at the bottom of the page. It shows how many people have visited this blog since the end of June. It also collects stats like how many hits/day and which hours of the day were busiest. Seems like the evening is busy, 2100hrs being the busiest, and just after lunch, between 1300hrs and 1500hrs. The afternoon hits amused me. I figured out what this means: Get To Work!! I can just see it - you get back to your desk after lunch and you've forgotten what you were working on just before lunch or you just don't want to get started yet. "Hmm, let's read everyone's blogs..." Then you go through your list of regular blogs (you might even have them bookmarked) for about 15-20 minutes. You know, if you use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, you can open all your bookmarked blogs in tabs all at once.

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Flirting 201

Here's a few more tips from the pros (read: some website I saw a while back):

  • Mimic her movements. I don't mean act like a 7 year-old, I mean when she sits, you sit. When she turns to face you, you turn your shoulders to face her.
  • Make sure you keep an open posture. Don't sit with your arms crossed facing away from her.
  • Face her. Conversations over someone's shoulder is annoying. Turn towards her and remember: lean in a bit.
  • Everyone likes to be interesting so talk about her. Do Not start bragging about how much money you make or what kind of job you have. Talk about her family, her occupation, what she does for fun, and then work in how you can do these things with her.
  • Take advantage of opportunities to make contact with her. "Hey, check this out." and then grab her hand and lead her towards whatever you were talking about. Don't grab her hand and pull, just take her hand like you're just trying to get her attention and then let go. You just met her, she's not your girlfriend - let go.
  • Pay attention to her reactions. If you touch her arm and she reacts like someone spit on her arm, don't do it again. Better yet, step back. If you start talking about her family and she gives you one word answers, say "Hey, my friend is calling me, I'll catch you later." and then leave and don't talk to her again. If she volunteers info or leaves herself open to more innocent contact, stay and be charming.
Remember, nothing confrontational and no excessive use of touch. Otherwise, you'll just come off as creepy, or a jerk.