Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Flirting 201

Here's a few more tips from the pros (read: some website I saw a while back):

  • Mimic her movements. I don't mean act like a 7 year-old, I mean when she sits, you sit. When she turns to face you, you turn your shoulders to face her.
  • Make sure you keep an open posture. Don't sit with your arms crossed facing away from her.
  • Face her. Conversations over someone's shoulder is annoying. Turn towards her and remember: lean in a bit.
  • Everyone likes to be interesting so talk about her. Do Not start bragging about how much money you make or what kind of job you have. Talk about her family, her occupation, what she does for fun, and then work in how you can do these things with her.
  • Take advantage of opportunities to make contact with her. "Hey, check this out." and then grab her hand and lead her towards whatever you were talking about. Don't grab her hand and pull, just take her hand like you're just trying to get her attention and then let go. You just met her, she's not your girlfriend - let go.
  • Pay attention to her reactions. If you touch her arm and she reacts like someone spit on her arm, don't do it again. Better yet, step back. If you start talking about her family and she gives you one word answers, say "Hey, my friend is calling me, I'll catch you later." and then leave and don't talk to her again. If she volunteers info or leaves herself open to more innocent contact, stay and be charming.
Remember, nothing confrontational and no excessive use of touch. Otherwise, you'll just come off as creepy, or a jerk.

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