Monday, April 21, 2008

All Done

The day was a big success for us. The ceremony started a bit late but other than that, it went off without a hitch. The kids were so cute. Amelia walked down the aisle (with help) and Lucas was super cute in his little tuxedo. Celia looked incredible. We took some pictures after downtown and hopefully they turned out good too. It was freezing cold but we're all stars so we toughed it out and finished the shoot. The reception went well too. It's funny, I was nervous about the ceremony but I held it together and after that I was feeling a lot better but still a little stressed about our first dance. Our DJ started the song in the wrong spot but that's kinda our fault for not telling him about it in advance. We messed up a few parts of the dance but we were able to improvise a bit and finish it with a little style. Very fun stuff - we plan on taking more dance lessons. Anyone want to join us? I had a few drinks so I was a bit tipsy but not drunk. Well, I had enough to drink that I was giving away drink tickets like they were free but now that I'm sober and looking at our bar bill, I'm regretting it a bit. Just a bit though because I had a really good time and I hope everyone else did too.

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