Monday, May 4, 2009

Nerd News Vol. 1, Issue 1

I just heard that Starcraft II will be released on Halloween this year.  That is the best damn news I've heard this year.  I don't think my Windows PC will be able to handle it so that leaves me with either installing Windows on my iMac or buying the Mac version of the game.  Mac versions of games have historically sucked but maybe they're better now.  But then will I only be able to play online with other Mac players?  Or do will I be able to play with the rest of the world?  I don't know.

Speaking of installing Windows on my iMac, there's a new version of Windows coming out this year.  In case you don't follow the Nerd News, the new version is called Windows 7.  Creative title but apparently this version is much better than Vista.  See?  Giving your OS a fancy name doesn't stop it from sucking.  Maybe a boring name makes for a better OS.  Millenium Edition sucked but XP was good.  Anyway, I'm thinking that this new version is the one I'll install on my iMac.  Hopefully it doesn't fuck up my beautiful computer.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Just put winxp on bootcamp, parallels runs too slow in general... with gaming I can only imagine the lag. Or, get a new windows box dedicated to gaming.