Friday, July 23, 2004

Winnipeg Stories - Thursday

So on Thursday afternoon, we arrived in Winnipeg.  That night, Randy took us to Enterprise to rent a couple of trucks.  mmm, Tahoe...  Anyway, that night we all went out for drinks.  I'm not sure if we were downtown or not.  Is Osborne considered downtown?  Anyhoo, after drinks Steve, Alan, Hannah, Michael, Gene, and I decide we wanted to go get something to eat.  Just some drive-thru, nothing special.  We called Randy at the hotel and we were going to pick up some food for him too, but then from the back of the truck I hear, "Fuck it, we'll just pick him up."  Okay, so we go to the hotel and pick up Randy, Mark, and Clint.  As we're driving down Portage, I see the McDonald's and try turning, but oops, it was a one-way.  So I go to the next street, but after I turn the cop behind me turns on his lights and pulls us over. 
"Hi, what are you guys up to tonight?"
"Oh, we're just going to McDonalds before going home.  Our buddy is getting married this weekend."
"Okay guys, take it easy.  Have a good night."
WTF?!  There are nine asians in a car and the cop lets us go without even checking the driver's ID?  Only in Winnipeg...
The really funny part is... well, you'll have to ask Gene what Steve said in the car.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

did you guys go to the 'Forks' ... it's the big attraction there.... ah.. the memories..