Saturday, October 23, 2004

Progress Means Change

Today was the day they flipped the switch. Actually, last night at midnight. Our system went Live today and so far there have been only a few little glitches. For the most part, everything is working as designed. But, because nurses don't go live until next week, there have been a few problems with access (mostly for the people in charge). I get to go to work tonight (back to night shifts: 2300-0700hrs) and help support the admissions team in the ER. I get to sit with the triage nurse to help him/her enter patients into the system the second they walk in the door. How exciting. NOT. ER is one of those places where a computer system becomes very difficult for those who aren't computer savvy or if there aren't enough computers around. Its the kind of environment where its a lot faster to just yell down the hall to the lab tech "hey! I need a stat CBC and Lytes here!" And the ER at my hospital has been used to doing things this way for years. As in however many years the ER has been open. Well tough for them. Time to join the 21st Century. Cya in a few days. I'll let you know how it went.

1 comment:

Oliver said...

ya, like the unofficial wendy's guy. have you ever seen their commercials? I'm not officially with wendy's, but i'll work with them or help them out whenever they need it.

i love my job. no joking.