Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Small World

I'm always amazed at how small the world can be. Last week (or so), I was reading Vanessa's blog and I noticed a picture. I thought, "Gee, that looks a lot like Jane." So this past weekend I was talking to Jane and Joe and I find out that it was indeed Jane, and Joe is good friends with Vanessa. Now the funny thing about this is that the only way I know Vanessa is... well, I don't really know her other than what I've learned about her on her blog. See, she's Celia's sister's friend and I just ran into her blog when I was surfing through the link's on Eva's blogsite. I've never met her in real life. Maybe the world isn't so small and its the Force. I mean, what are the chances that Luke would kiss a princess that actually turns out to be his twin sister? The Force, man... makes the universe a very small place.


Fumbling said...

This is my second "small world made smaller through blogging incident" too. maybe I'll blog about it.

R said...

Don't underestimate the power of the force. Rhoel.