Monday, January 22, 2007

I Object!

Today I had to appear at the provincial courts. No, I wasn't being sued and I wasn't there for the Pickton trial (let him burn!). I was there for jury duty selection for a civil case. If you ever get called, you should go. Trial by one's peers is the cornerstone of our democratic society. I fulfilled my civil obligation and showed up. As it turns out, even if I wanted to be in the jury, I wouldn't have been allowed. I'm closely related to the defendant (not as in family relation, but professional relations) so I wasn't an appropriate juror. Whew! I was there for the morning and then back to work in the afternoon.

Morning at the courthouse: pretty fucking crazy. The Pickton trial started today so the media was all there, there were more lawyers than in the lineup to hell, and security was tighter than an airport's. It took me 15 minutes just to get into the building! Anyway, I think he's guilty. Don't ask me for evidence or any of that crap - the cops found that already. I just think he's guilty because he's a greasy, psychotic, freak. But that's just my 'professional' opinion.

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