Monday, January 15, 2007

Big White

Yesterday I got back from snowboarding at Big White. For anyone that doesn't know what that is, its a new ski/snowboard resort near Kelowna. It's also one freakin' awesome mountain. Anyway, we drove up on Thursday, ripped up the mountain on Friday and Saturday, then drove home Sunday. Good times.

Then I checked my mail.

It was about 6 or 7 pm when I read that I was supposed to appear at the courts for jury selection on January 15th at 9am. WTF? That's in the morning! Crap. So I went there today and the woman in the sheriff's office (is everyone there considered a sheriff?) told me that it was postponed and I'd have to show up next monday. Sonuva... Okay fine. I stop by work and tell my boss I have jury duty and I won't be showing up on Monday. Not that its such a big deal, I mean trial by one's peers is the cornerstone of democratic society, right? I totally stole that line from my summons papers and I didn't even put it in quotes or cite the reference. I'm such a badass. Maybe now I'll be disqualified from jury duty.

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