Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 Resolutions

Every January I have resolutions for the new year (except for last year, I must have forgotten) and this year I've decided to go big.  Here they are:

  1. Lose 15 lbs
  2. Stop buying lunch at work
  3. Be more responsible with money
  4. Quit smoking 100% (I'm at 95% right now.  If you don't know, that just means I'm doing pretty damn good right now)
  5. Paint my house
  6. Finish any and all renovations
  7. Clean the garage so we can have both vehicles in there
  8. Exercise at least 3 days/week (see #1)

There we go.  I think the toughest one is actually #7.  Anyway, happy new year to everyone and best wishes for you and your loved ones.

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