Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So Much Fun

Every time my kids get sick they each do their own distinctive thing.  Lucas tends to sleep a lot and just be a little lump until he feels better.  Amelia becomes very clingy and doesn't want to be put down.  Both of them can be very exhausting for us as we end up spending a lot of time with them, day and night.  Then one day they will just get up and start playing like nothing happened.  Amelia has been sick the past few days but yesterday she decided she felt better and was running around, laughing, and dancing again.  She's so fun to watch.

When the kids were born I couldn't wait for the day when I would come home from work and they would scream "daddy!" and come running to greet me.  That day has finally come.  When I come home from work, I can hear them upstairs calling "daddy, daddy!" and when I get to the top of the stairs, they are there just standing there waiting for me.  Then they either give me a big hug or they run off expecting me to chase them and start playing.  Oh, they are so much fun.

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