Monday, May 21, 2007

My Old Friend, Sleep

So the twins have been home for almost 2 weeks now. I get a lot of people asking, "so how is it?" and "are you sleeping much?" It's been totally fine and I get more than enough sleep. I don't know why people complain so much. Seriously, things are going great. I'm kidding about the sleep thing though. I haven't slept more than 2 hours in a row since they came home. They're so cute thought that I don't mind. I'm sure in a couple of months I'll be dying for a full night's sleep.

Last week I finally bought a stroller. We originally wanted a stroller that was lightweight, folded compactly, had seats that reclined to flat, and could take car seats. As extras, I wanted something with big wheels and something that just looked cool. We found 2 but one was $1100 and the other was $850. Screw that. I ended up forgetting about my extras and the car seat option and bought the 2007 McLaren Twin Techno. Lightweight, folds compactly, rated for newborns, and side-by-side seating. We can't put car seats into it, but whatever. So far, it kicks ass.

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