Sunday, May 6, 2007

Wait For It...

Only a few more days. Part of the criteria for sending the twins home was that they continue to gain weight while feeding strictly by bottle or breast for a 48 hour period. The both have their NG tubes out and they are both taking all their feeds by bottle or breast. And, for the both of them, it has now been over 48 hours. Amelia's weight gain yesterday wasn't great but she's eating a lot. Being the weekend, not much happens at the hospital (except in emerg where all the crazies go), so we're just waiting for Monday for when the doc can come in and discharge my babies. The worst part is that I have to work Mon-Wed and then on the weekend. After that, I have a couple weeks off so I'll be home changing diapers, feeding babies, and having the time of my life. Secretly, I'm hoping they get discharged Wednesday. Oh crap, I guess it's not a secret anymore.

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