Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Assess the Situation

Its the first of December. Let's assess the situation here:

1. I'm finished about 10% of my Christmas shopping.
2. My Christmas tree is up.
3. My house is a mess.
4. I'm poor - no, I'm broke.
5. I haven't gone snowboarding because the local mountains have no snow.
6. I don't even see myself going snowboarding until after the holidays (unless something good comes up).
7. My roommate is moving out in a couple of weeks (assuming Allen's house is ready on time).
8. My car passed AirCare (woohoo!).
9. My office is moving in a couple of weeks.
10. I'm overweight and out of shape.

Now don't think that this is my entire life. I mean, I'm very happy/relieved that my car passed AirCare, but I'm not that excited about it. And I'm not that upset that I've barely done any Christmas shopping. All I'm saying is that... well, nothing really. Just giving you an update. Happy December!

1 comment:

R said...

Man does everyone have their tree up already? I usually like a real tree and they don't last that long so I'm still planning on a couple more weeks so it lasts till new years. Rhoel.