Sunday, December 19, 2004

He's Making a List...

Top Ten Things I Want For Christmas:

10. Socks
9. Underwear
8. good toque
7. new shoes
6. turtleneck sweater
5. long-sleeved t-shirt
4. pyjama pants
3. watch
2. DVD burner
1. movies on DVD

Now this list may seem pretty vague (what kind of DVD burner? what colour sweater? what size shoes?), but that's because I don't want to sound greedy.

Top Ten Things I Don't Want For Christmas:

10. eternal damnation
9. a large, unexpected bill
8. food poisoning
7. a pay cut
6. sudden illness
5. a colostomy
4. a psychotic girlfriend
3. car accident
2. a warm, dry season
1. home invasion


celia said...

4. a psychotic girlfriend

You got that for your Birthday already.

R said...

4. a psychotic girlfriend

Yeah, those ones are tricky. I mean they look all hot on the outside and there's no indication that there's something scary under the wrapping and even after you unwrap still don't know. Then one day you suspect she's planning to kill you then that takes all the fun out of it. Not that it's ever happened to me. Rhoel.

Oliver said...

Luckily, I've never actually had a psychotic girlfriend. I might have dated someone that was, what we medical-types call, "crazy" but no axe-murdering, hair-doll-making, stalking types.