Monday, April 10, 2006

Theme Night

I haven't been to a club in a long time. Okay, it was just a month or two ago, so let me clarify. I haven't been to AuBar in a long time. I never thought this club was that great to begin with, but it was Denise's birthday and one of her friends was organizing the evening. For the most part, I had a good time but see, the thing is, when I'm at a club I like to people watch. I like to see how these drunk people are interacting with each other and the people around them. I like to laugh at how some loser dude buys drinks for a girl just so he can make out with a drunk chick later in the night. I like to shake my head at the guys that dance behind some girls without the girl knowing and pretend that he's dancing with her. I also like to watch the beautiful people come and go. The well-dressed, well-groomed, well-mannered people. Well, let me tell you something. Other than the group I was with, Saturday night at the AuBar is Ugly Night. Yes, I would almost go so far as to say fugly. If you were there and you're offended now, you should have either walked past me to prove me wrong or hid in the shadows a little better.


Fumbling said...

you should try partying in San Jose if you think that any night in Vancouver is an ugly night. I think you might just vomit walking into the clubs

head dump said...

haha, let's just say the big girls here like to show skin too.

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