Sunday, August 17, 2008

Weather Update: Still Hotter than Hell

This weather is killing me.  Don't get me wrong, I love the sun and the hot weather.  It reminds me of being in the Philippines except with better air, less people, better english, less traffic, less poverty, and cleaner water.  Other than that, it reminds me of being in the Philippines.  The problem is my house.  It's much cooler than my old house but it's still pretty hot.  Our air conditioner is on 20 hours a day but it's only good for one room (our bedroom).  I'm just getting tired of hanging out in there.  The other day I brought it down to the TV room, which is smaller than our bedroom, and cranked the a/c.  That room was a freakin' refrigerator!  It was so nice until I started to shiver a bit.  Then I brought it back up to the bedroom but carrying it up the stairs made me sweat again.  

My parents bought a little wading pool for the twins and yesterday we put about 5 inches of water in it and let them splash around a bit.  It was already 7pm so it was starting to cool off but even though the water was cold, they had a blast!  Amelia was shivering but didn't want to come out and Lucas just kept crawling back and forth and splashing everything.  It's so fun to see them play like this.  

Anyway, just felt like babbling a bit.  I'm trying to post more often but I'm obviously not doing too well.  I'll try harder...

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