Sunday, September 28, 2008

Information Age

I really like technology. It's not so much the whole geeky, computer nerd, staring-in-front-of-a-monitor kinda thing, its more about learning new ways to do something. Sure, carrying a little calendar around works just as well as a PDA and do you really need cell phone? Twenty years ago they were only for the elite. And come on, does your computer really save you any time? Anyway, I was reading this letter to the editor in my nursing magazine and someone made a comment about using computers in patient care scenarios and how they may not be improving patient care and all that jazz. Although it may not directly improve how well a nurse gives you an injection or inserts that foley, it does become an incredible source of information that was never available before. Let's say you're driving out to Kelowna and as you pass by Hope you need to stop off at the hospital because you suddenly feel dizzy and weak. Would you want the doctors and nurses to be treating based on what they know of you from that particular visit (ie, no info other than what you tell them or what they ask), or would you want them to have information on your medical record so that decisions on your treatment/care is based on your history? Maybe for you it doesn't make a huge difference but for anyone that arrives unable to speak or has a complicated medical history, this could be difference between life or death. Make your own decision but I know what I'd want.

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