Saturday, March 3, 2007

Signature Dish

Celia's been on bedrest for a few days now. I'm trying to paint and organize the main floor and today I got word that it has to be done within 2 weeks. I figure if I was able to prime and paint the kitchen in 2 days, the rest of the house shouldn't take too long. If anyone wants to help, I'll buy the beer and pizza if you come over. I still have to move a heavy-ass desk down the stairs at some point too.

Since Celia's stuck in bed I brought her computer into the room and hooked it up to the 32" LCD. with her wireless keyboard and mouse, she's surfing the web, chatting with friends, listening to iTunes, and paying bills all from bed. The thing I find funny is that her 19" monitor is sitting there on her desk 4 feet away from me and I haven't started using it yet. Soon...

I've had to prepare meals for the two of us since Thursday. As everyone knows, I can't cook. Someone asked me once what my signature dish was. Even people that can't cook have at least one dish they can make and make well. Here's my dish: instant noodles. I can make some pretty damn good instant noodles. Sometimes I'll even throw an egg in there.

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