Tuesday, March 27, 2007

One Step Closer

Today the twins were moved to the local hospital. No more driving across the bridge to see them! Woo hoo! They took a little time getting used to their new home but I think they'll like it. Amelia's doing great, still no problems. Lucas is doing much better now. He doesn't need any help breathing, but he still forgets once in a while. He looks better though. He's filling in a little more now and apparently he's starting to look like me. I don't really see it though - he's much better looking. Amelia looks like both her mommy and daddy but she does all the cute things that Celia does when she sleeps.

1 comment:

R said...

Yo Oli, long time no read. Congrats on the twins. Did I ever tell you why all baby's are cute? Baby bears, baby puppys, chicks? So that wild animals won't eat them. I mean no matter how hungry you are would you ever eat a kitten? hehe
