Monday, April 9, 2007


Celia's mom has been staying with us the past week. She'll stay with use during the week and on the weekend, go stay with Celia's sister. Most people would cringe at the thought of having their mother-in-law stay with them, but I actually kinda like it. The past week, Celia and I have been driving from hospital to hospital to see our kids and by the time we get home its like 10pm or later. Every time we've come home, her mom has had food ready for us. She also cleaned the house for us (including the bathrooms) and went grocery shopping. She's been a mom for a long time so I guess she knows what she's doing here. Not only do I like her being around to help with all this stuff, but whether she's willing to admit it or not, I can tell that Celia really likes having her here too. I know that the two of them have had a very tumultuous relationship over the years, but I guess that now that Celia is an adult (as if she hasn't been for like 15 years) and has settled down with a family of her own, things are a little more relaxed. It's nice to see them sitting down with a cup of tea talking and laughing like old friends. I have no idea what they're saying but Celia tells me they are just gossipping. I hope someday Celia will be sitting in Amelia's living room laughing and gossipping over a cup of tea.

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