Friday, April 20, 2007

Top Five Email Pet Peeves

1. Reply to All when you don't need to.  We had someone spam the entire network once (over 20,000 users) and people actually used the "Reply to All" to say "Whatever you do, don't reply to all."

2. Forwarding too many jokes.  If it feels like you're sending too many jokes, then you're sending too many jokes.
3. Asking questions or putting the entire content of the email in the Subject line.
4. Plain text.  It's just plain ugly.
5. No signature at the bottom.  It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just put your damn name at the bottom of your email.  I know it's in the From: line but it's like not saying "bye" at the end of a phone call.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

VOTE MARIAH! (you'd think afer all that i woudl remember her name... is that right???)