Sunday, January 25, 2004


What happened 30 years ago? Thirty years ago it was 1974. I know some of you are thinking "It wasn't that long ago." Let's consider this: take your current age, and subtract 30. If this value yields a negative integer, you are still young. If the result of our advanced math yields a positive value, you're starting to reach what teenagers call "OLD". *damn those teenagers. The reason I bring this up is because last night I was thinking and realized that most of my friends are married and have children, some with 2 or 3 kids. Holy crap. It doesn't seem that long ago when we were all going out and getting drunk or just sitting around at restaurants having coffee for hours. Now when I talk to Lisa I don't even understand her language. I say Skybar and she says, "What?" She says Movies for Mommies and I say, "Huh?" Thank God I'm only turning 26 this year because I don't feel older than 22. But age is just a number anyway. Its all about how you feel (and sometimes how you look). I know some 30 year olds that look fabulous and can still party like it was 1999.

Anyway, this is just something that popped into my head last night. Stop rolling your eyes at me, let's see what you think about at 4am.

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