Tuesday, January 6, 2004

New Things Here

Here at Oliver's Blogspot, we're starting a new series. It's called "101 Things About Me." Its not listed in order of importance or anything, just random stuff.
Starting at number...

1. I'm not really a chocolate fan. I only like it once in a while.
2. I've worn glasses since I was 10 years old.
3. I like musicals.
4. No, I'm not gay.
5. I prefer tropical weather to winter weather but I like winter for the snowboarding.

Next time: #6-10

Well, I had a rough night at work last night. I don't mind having a busy day at work. I mean, it happens, right? The problem is knowing that I have to go back tonight and do it all again. Discouraging. At least tonight is my last night until next week. I'll let you know how bad it is.

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