Friday, March 5, 2004


Who hates getting bills in the mail? Raise your hand. Come on, don't be shy, we all hate bills. Now, if your hand is up, put it down cuz if you're alone you must look like an idiot and if there are people around you they think you're strange. Anyway, I get tonnes of bills. Hydro, gas, phone, cable, credit cards, credit cards, and credit cards. I'm able to keep up (barely), but I'm proud to say that my hydro bill is actually paid up for 2 months in advance! I pay it month-to-month and usually what I do is just dump a certain amount in every paycheck so I don't even bother opening the bill when it comes. Well I opened it today and I had a huge credit because I've been paying too much over the past year. See? I'm so damn responsible it makes me sick. Now how do I get that money back?

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