Saturday, March 27, 2004


My family has a Yahoo Group where all my aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, nieces, nephews, etc etc can all come and post messages for each other. We catch up on what's going on in each other's lives. Its a nice way to make the world a little smaller and for us to stay closer to the distant relatives. A little while ago, I posted the Globe and Mail article about Nanny TV and my aunt that used to work for ABS-CBN sent me this response from a reader of the Globe and Mail:

Reinforced stereotype

Friday, February 20, 2004 - Page A20

Pickering, Ont. -- Re Filipino Broadcaster Plans To Air In Canada (Feb. 19): You introduced this article with the line "Call it Nanny TV." Talk about stereotypes. You "back up" your choice of words by pointing out that a lot (although you never quantify the number) of the women in the Filipino-Canadian community of approximately 375,000 have domestic jobs.

Yes, some Filipinas in Canada have domestic jobs, but many, if not the vast majority, do not. All the Filipinas I know hold jobs, well, just like the rest of us: executives, accountants, doctors, nurses, computer programmers, business analysts, bankers and store clerks.

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