Wednesday, April 28, 2004

STRIKE! Part 2

I understand that there are a lot of people losing their jobs due to the government's decision to privatize some areas in health care, but to be honest, being on strike isn't so bad. I mean, its not my strike so I'm not in danger of losing my job or wages (yet - BCNU is next I think) so I'm basically sitting outside in the sun all day. Apparently, my union is going to reimburse me for lost wages while I'm "picketing" so I truly am getting paid to do nothing. Its kinda neat: I sit around outside, walk around the hospital and visit with friends, go to Tim Horton's in the morning, Dairy Queen in the afternoon, and tan. It just sucks if it rains.

Here's my daily routine:
- wake up at 6:30am
- get out of bed at 7:30am
- sign in at BCNU trailer at 8:15am
- go straight from the trailer to Tim Horton's until 9:15am
- walk around the hospital to say hi to everyone until 10am
- sit with Mar and the other OR girls until lunch, -or-
- find some other hot chicks to hang with
- go for lunch with whoever has the most convenient/fun plans
- sit on the grass outside the hospital until 2pm
- walk around the hospital again to "stretch my legs"
- sign out at BCNU trailer at 3 or 4pm (depending on how fun the people I'm hanging out with are)

As you can tell, this is far easier than any job that exists. The union tells me they'll pay me for my time spent "picketing" but I doubt I'll get any of it until, like, July. Oh well. This is a nice little vacation for me.

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